Extended Profile Supporting Links
1.1 Admission Approval Documents

No. of Students Year-wise Last 5-Years



Criterion I Supporting Links
1.2.1 - No. of Certificate/Value Added Courses (VIEW DOCUMENT)
1.2.2 - Percentage of Students Enrolled in Certificate or Value Added Courses (VIEW DOCUMENT)
1.3.2 - Percentage of Students undertaking Project Works (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
1.4.1 - Feedback on the Academic Performance (VIEW DOCUMENT)


Criterion II Supporting Links
2.1.1 - Enrolment Percentage (VIEW DOCUMENT)
2.1.2 - Percentage of seats filled against reserved category (VIEW DOCUMENT)
2.2.1 - Student-Full Time Teacher Ratio (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
2.4.1 - Percentage of Full Time Teacher against Sanctioned Post (VIEW DOCUMENT)
2.4.2 - Percentage of Full Time Teachers (VIEW DOCUMENT)
2.6.3 - Pass Percentage of Students (VIEW DOCUMENT)


Criterion III Supporting Links
3.1.1 - Grants received from Government/Non-Governmental Agencies (VIEW DOCUMENT)
3.2.2 - No. of Workshops/Seminars/Conference on Research
Methodology & Enterpreneurship
3.3.1 - No. of Research Paper Published for Teacher (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
3.3.2 - No. of Books/Chapters/Paper Published in National/International Conferences (VIEW DOCUMENT)
3.4.3 - No. of Extension & Out-Reach Program conducted through NSS (VIEW DOCUMENT)
3.5.1 - No. of functional MoUs/Linkages with Institution/Industries
in India & Abroad for Internship, On-the-job training,
project work & Collaborative Research


Criterion IV Supporting Links
4.1.2 - Percentage of Expenditure for Infra Development (VIEW DOCUMENT)
4.3.2 - Student Computer Ratio (VIEW DOCUMENT)
4.4.1 - Percentage Expenditure incurred on Maintenance on Physical Facility (VIEW DOCUMENTS)


Criterion V Supporting Links
5.1.1 - Percentage of Students benifited by Scholorship & Freeships (VIEW DOCUMENT)
5.1.2 - Capacity Development & Skill Enhancement Activities (VIEW DOCUMENT)
5.1.3 - Percentage of Students Benifited by Guidance for Competitive Examination (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
5.1.4 - Institution Adopts Redressal of Student Grivence (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
5.2.1 - Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
5.2.2 - Student Qualifying in State/National/International Level Examination (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
5.3.1 - No. of Awards/Medals for Outstanding Performance in Sports/Cultural
Activities at University/State/National/International Level
5.3.2 - Sports & Cultural Programs (VIEW DOCUMENTS)


Criterion VI Supporting Links
6.2.2 - Implementation of e-governance in various Operations (VIEW DOCUMENT)
6.3.2 - Percentage of Teachers provided with Financial Support (VIEW DOCUMENT)
6.3.3 - Percentage of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff participating in FDP (VIEW DOCUMENTS)
6.5.2 - Quality Assurance Initiatives (VIEW DOCUMENTS)


Criterion VII Supporting Links
7.1.2 - Facilities & Initiatives (VIEW DOCUMENT)
7.1.3 - Quality Audits on Enviorment & Energy Regularly Undertaken (VIEW DOCUMENT)